User defined functions in C
- · The functions which are defined by the user at the time of writing program.
- · Functions are made for code reusability and for saving time and space.
- · For creating user defined function user can follow the three things.
1. Function prototype
2. Calling function
3. Called function
Function prototype
(or) Function Declaration:
General syntax
of function declaration is,
return-type function-name (parameter-list) ;
Like variable
and an array, a function must also be declared before it is called. A function
declaration tells the compiler about a function name and how to call the
function. The actual body of the function can be defined separately. A function
declaration consist of 4 parts.
return-type : It specifies what type of values returned by the
function name: It specifies the name of the function and it
follows the identifiers rules.
parameter list: The arguments used to perform the function implementation
must terminating with semicolon
Calling Function:
function can be accessed by specifying it's name followed by list of arguments
enclosed with parenthesis and separated by comma operator.
If in function call doesn't require any
arguments, Then empty pair of parenthesis must follow the name of the function.
If return type is void in function
prototype then syntax to write the calling function is as follows. calling_function(var1,var2,var3,......,varn);

return type is not void in function prototype then syntax to write the calling
function is as follows. Var_name=calling_function(var1,var2,var3,......,varn);
1. message();
2. add(x,y);
3. x=add();
4. x=rfact(n);
Called function (or) Function Definition:
Function definition contains
implement code of the function. The
general format of a function definition is:
Syntax: Return_type
Function_name (datatype arg1, - - - - - - - , datatype argn)
Local Variable Declarations
-- (Implementation
return value;
- arg1,
arg2, --- , argn arguments are
known as “formal arguments”. List
of values passed from the function call are temporarily stored in these
formal parameters.
- Variables
declared in the function definitions are called local variables.
- After
completing implementation of the function, it should return a value to the
calling function with a return
- The
syntax of a return statement is:
Syntax: return value;
If the function should not return any value,
then simply placed as:
Syntax: return;
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